New crops for better self-sufficiency

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A variety of initiatives are underway in Sweden that will enable us as a country to be self-sufficient to a greater extent than before. We need to rethink our self-sufficiency and preparedness in times of pandemics, war and climate change.

About the project

During the 2020 growing season, the Department of natural resources began to test growing crops that are not usually grown on a large scale in Sweden. These types of tests have continued in order to gain more insights into which crops grows well enough to be used as a local raw material in the future.

The project aims to demonstrate the diversity of crops that exist and those that are suitable to be grown in our climate, and to highlight the importance of self-sufficiency. The ultimate goal is to test how the crops perform and behave in our climate, but also to see what yields they can produce. We hope that these farms can spark curiosity and inspire others to try growing other crops than just the traditional ones.

The demo farms give our students an insight into the new possibilities of future plant cultivation and a greater belief in a more self-sufficient society and country.

During the 2022 crop year, the Sötåsen and Uddetorp sites concentrated on crops we saw could be scaled up, both for training purposes and in relation to the crops demanded by the facilities' kitchens. The demo farm at Angereds Gård continued in 2022 to demonstrate a multitude of crops to prove the possibilities of these new crops.

On Sötåsen and Uddetorp we grew field peas, millet, sorghum, white emmer and soybean in 2022.

In 2023, we will grow different crops on these sites. Uddetorp will grow soybeans, sunflower seeds for human consumption, millet, sweet lupine and field peas.

Sötåsen grows two cultivated varieties of wheat: spelt and buckwheat, both of which we hope to be able to grind and use in our kitchens. At Angereds Gård, we will continue to present a wide range of crops in a smaller area in the demo farm in order to inspire and showcase the possibilities.

Beginning in the autumn of 2023, the project will be a collaborative partner in the crop research project Rolis – Robust livsmedelsförsörjning, which is run by the Grästorp municipality and financed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture.

Project summary


New crops for better self-sufficiency




Project owner




3 years


Hushållningssällskapet Västra

Agneta Larsson

