Saint Helen Anorexia and Bulimia Clinic, Hertig Johans gata, Skövde
Visit and Contact Details
Visitor address
Lövängsvägen 1
549 49
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Ingång via huvudentré
Internal directions
Gula gatan, plan 8, målpunkt M.
Postal address
Ätstörningsenhet Skaraborgs Sjukhus Skövde
Lövängsvägen 1
541 85
We receive patients over the age of 11 who are suffering from an eating disorder. They receive, among other things, help to normalise their eating, increase their knowledge of their disease, and reinforce their self-esteem.
Responsible for this department
Karin Lilja, enhetschef
Visit and Contact Details
Visitor address
Lövängsvägen 1
549 49
Show adress on map
Show adress on mapExternal directions
Ingång via huvudentré
Internal directions
Gula gatan, plan 8, målpunkt M.
Postal address
Ätstörningsenhet Skaraborgs Sjukhus Skövde
Lövängsvägen 1
541 85
We receive patients over the age of 11 who are suffering from an eating disorder. They receive, among other things, help to normalise their eating, increase their knowledge of their disease, and reinforce their self-esteem.
Responsible for this department
Karin Lilja, enhetschef