Incubators & Science Parks

Foto från Lindholmen Science Park

Västra Götaland is home to eight incubators and six science parks that support development and innovation among businesses, higher education institutions, research institutes and community stakeholders.

Incubators act as facilitators for newly-established growth and knowledge-based companies, providing advice, help with patent applications, financing and more.

Combined, Västra Götaland’s six science parks comprise a unique system for innovation. This system allows enterprises both large and small, higher education institutions, research institutes and other community stakeholders to join forces to overcome current social challenges and strengthen West Sweden’s competitiveness.

Incubators that Region Västra Götaland finances:

Brewhouse Incubator (in swedish) 

Chalmers Ventures AB

GU Ventures

The Incubator in Borås

Future Enterprises

Science Park Skövde

Innovatum Science Center

Sahlgrenska Science Park

Anders Carlberg

Head of Research and Innovation

Phone number