Human Rights

Region Västra Götaland has a politically-appointed human rights committee that works to promote human rights both within the organisation itself and on behalf of Västra Götaland’s residents. The organisation’s Human Rights Department acts as an administrative support service to this committee.

Our focus areas

Action Plan for Human Rights Work in Region Västra Götaland 2017-2020

Region Västra Götaland has Sweden’s only regional action plan for addressing human rights issues. This plan includes goals and measures for promoting physical accessibility, children’s rights, freedom from violence, LGBT expertise, dialogue with the region’s residents and equal and non-discriminatory workplaces. The Action Plan applies throughout the organisation and efforts to achieve its goals are coordinated via a network.

Physical Access in Built Environments

We inventory physical accessibility at our facilities and publish the results in the Accessibility Database. The Database allows both local residents to prepare for visits to our facilities and those responsible for our properties to remedy any obstacles to accessibility. We employ long-time unemployed youths as inventory takers in connection with this initiative.

Human Rights-based Approach

We supply information detailing a human-rights based approach to work. To date, we have conducted pilot projects to develop this kind of approach at a museum, at a hospital and within a psychiatric care unit. We continue to develop Region Västra Götaland’s efforts in support of human rights.

Grants & Awards

Region Västra Götaland awards grants to clubs and associations in support of their activities and work to promote human rights. We also present a special human rights award to recognise endeavours in the field and a parasport award for athletes with functional impairments.

Review & Research

Our organisation gathers background information concerning human rights issues within Region Västra Götaland. We also review the organisation’s work in the field and employ researchers to conduct studies on the status of human rights within Region Västra Götaland.

Support for Internal Divisions

Region Västra Götaland’s Human Rights Department supports other internal divisions that want to improve their human rights profiles.

only regional action plan for addressing human rights issues. This plan includes goals and measures for promoting physical accessibility, children’s rights, freedom from violence, LGBT expertise, dialogue with the region’s residents and equal and non-discriminatory workplaces. The Action Plan applies throughout the organisation and efforts to achieve its goals are coordinated via a network.

Consultation with Civil Society Stakeholders 

We hold five consultative meetings in which local elected representatives meet with civil society stakeholders. These meetings are intended to increase Region Västra Götaland’s understanding of rights-holders’ situations and what we can improve as well as to empower rights-holders by allowing them insight into decision-making processes and current issues.

For every human being - Actionplan for Human Rights

”For every Human Being” describes and set out work on realising and safeguarding the human rights of every person in Region Västra Götaland during the period 2017– 2020 in concrete terms. The Action Plan includes 12 prioritised goals with associated measures and core indicators.

Viveca Reimers

Head of Human Rights

Phone number