
Contact us for research support!

Use our contact form so that we can support you and manage your case in the best possible way. We will respond within 10 days. If your case is urgent, we will respond immediately.

Want to make a feasibility request?

Feasibility Sweden - A national service for researchers and life science companies that provides one way in and quick answers to feasibilities to the Swedish healthcare system.

Dennis Larsson

Head of Department

Phone number

Anna-Carin Varvne

Head of Unit, clinical trial units

Phone number

Åsa Odhagen Rosvall

Head of Unit, Resarch Support Office

Phone number

Verksamhet Gothia Forum


Visitor address

Guldhedsgatan 10C
413 46 Göteborg

Clinical Trial Center and the Primary care Trial Center

Show adress on map

Show adress on map

Internal directions

Plan 2

Postal address

Sahlgrenska Univ.sjukhuset Gothia Forum
413 45 Göteborg

Clinical Trial Center

Visitor address
Gröna stråket 12, 413 46, Göteborg

Phone number
070 - 082 50 91