Educated within other professions

Region Västra Götaland is one of Sweden’s largest employers. Thanks to our size, we are able to offer exciting professions within a number of different areas throughout Region Västra Götaland.
In addition to responsibility for healthcare in our region, we also work within the following areas:
Regional development
The role of Region Västra Götaland within regional development can be described as bringing together, conducting, financing and sometimes being a responsible authority. The work is based on the specific conditions that prevail in Västra Götaland and a holistic view of environmental, social and economic sustainability.
Public transport
We are responsible for the availability of public transport throughout Västra Götaland. Västtrafik, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Region Västra Götaland, ensures that you are able to travel by train, bus, tram and boats.
For Region Västra Götaland, it is important to be able to offer the citizens of Western Götaland a rich cultural life. We conduct several of our own cultural activities such as the Gothenburg Botanical Garden, Regionteater Väst and Vitlycke Museum.