About Clinic for Young Men
There are currently three clinics in Västra Götaland, located in Gothenburg, Fyrbodal and Skaraborg. You are welcome to go to any of the clinics, no matter where you live in the region. Each clinic has a nurse, a counsellor, a psychologist and a doctor.
There could be many different reasons why you might want to visit us. You may want to:
- get tested for sexually transmitted diseases
- ask questions about your sexual functioning
- talk about your relationship(s)
- ask about genital changes
- talk about your experience of sexual coercion, abuse or violation
- get help to understand and manage jealousy
- discuss becoming a parent against your will
- talk about your sexual identity
- arrange a Hepatitis B vaccination
- get help to deal with different emotions
- talk about pornography
- talk about sexual desire
- talk about condoms or other contraceptives
- … or other issues