Researchers with the research group
Maria Niklasson Larsson
Associate professor, lic. physioterapist
Phone number
Mobile: +46 76 790 54 00
Lena Nordeman
Associate professor, lic. physiotherapist, R&D manager Södra Älvsborg
Madeleine Bellfjord
Master of science, lic. physiotherapist
Anna Bergenheim
Associate professor, lic. physiotherapist, R&D manager Fyrbodal
Susanne Bernhardsson
Associate professor, lic. physiotherapist
Lena Bornhöft
PhD, lic. physiotherapist
Annika Ekhammar
PhD-student, lic. physiotherapist
Margareta Hellgren
Associate professor, General practitioner
Chan-Mei Ho-Henriksson
PhD-student, lic. physioterapist
Kristina Holmgren
Professor, Registered occupational therapist
Sofia Juhlin
PhD-student, lic. physiotherapist
Ingela Käll
Lic. physiotherapist
Anette Larsson
PhD, lic. physiotherapist
Marie Persson
PhD-student, lic. psychologist
Karin Samsson
PhD, lic. physiotherapist
Anke Samulowitz
PhD, psychologist, quality development facilitator
Yvonne Severinsson
PhD-student, lic. physiotherapist
Olof Thoreson
M.D., General practitioner