Hearing, Vision, Interpreting
In Region Västra Götaland, everyone should have the opportunity to lead a good life. Our approach within Habilitation & Health is founded on openness, involvement and the principle that everyone is unique, and that they are valued and respected for who they are.
Our service functions
Our service functions work with both children and adults.
Hearing Services
Available to help people with a permanent hearing impairment, deafness or deafblindness, as well as their relatives and those close to them.
Vision Services
Available to help people with a permanent moderate to serious visual impairment or blindness.
Interpreting Services
Available to help people who are deaf or deafblind, or who have a hearing impairment, and for those who have a functional impairment that affects their voice, speech or language. Interpreting services are also available for anyone who comes into contact with people in the above categories.
How do we work?
We work in strict compliance with the Health and Medical Services Act, which among other things means that we have a duty of confidentiality. We also work with initiatives linked to the Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments Act.
These initiatives are undertaken by interprofessional teams made up of medical, technical, educational and psychosocial experts. All the members adopt a holistic approach, which means that you, and if necessary your relatives and those close to you, are involved in all aspects of the planning process.
The different service functions work closely with each other.
We offer a certain degree of diagnostic help, and we test adapted assistive aids and provide training in their use. In addition, we offer guidance, information, coordination and follow-up of the work that is being done. You can also have your assistive aids serviced.
The primary task of Interpreting Services is to offer interpreting assistance day and night, all year round.
Interpreting in regular, day-to-day life situations is free of charge.
To carry out the wide range of assignments, interpreters are available who can offer expertise in sign language, deafblind interpreting and clear speech, and provide reading, writing and speech support.
How can you access our services?
In the case of Vision Services, you must first contact an ophthalmologist, who will then refer you.
Hearing Services recommend that you first go to a medical centre, which will then refer you for an ear examination by a doctor.
If you require interpreting assistance, you can contact the interpreter booking centre at Interpreting Services or Speech Services. You do not need a referral.
If you would like to know more about how we work, further information is available under each functional impairment.